SilkRoad Performance

Empower every employee to be more engaged, aligned, and productive

performance video

Maximize Performance

Maximize performance by connecting people to team and business goals

Drive Business Outcomes

Enable more positive interactions to drive better business outcomes

SilkRoad Performance helps organizations optimize their human capital by empowering every employee to be more engaged, aligned, and productive.

Go beyond traditional approaches to employee performance management with a more agile and flexible solution. Deliver the real time, actionable feedback that employees crave. Empower your managers with flexible, easy-to-use tools for check-ins, feedback, and goal setting. Prepare your organization for workforce transformation by assessing promotability, potential and risk across talent pools with succession planning. Deliver a more engaging and productive experience, and drive better business outcomes.


…the reviews have been the most productive that I have been a part of in my career. The simple and easy-to-use format kept the emphasis on the conversation versus forms and ratings. This encouraged open and honest discussion instead of spending time reviewing checklists, ratings, and forms.
— Avid Solutions

SilkRoad Performance Product Brochure

Employee performance check-ins, feedback, goals and reviews.

Performance | Brochures

SilkRoad Performance Management creates a culture of conversation around performance, goals and improvement and provides simple but powerful tools for ongoing performance feedback, clear visibility into goals and simple performance reviews.

Agile Performance Management Report

Frequent feedback in the workplace is being demanded by employees. Recent research by Tiny Pulse, found that 64% of employees surveyed said they wanted their supervisor to check in with them at least every two weeks, with 42% of millennials wanting feedback every week. This white paper lays out a plan to create a culture of communication in your organization.

Performance | Whitepaper / Research

When a company crafts their organizational culture to make employee conversations direct, frequent, and timely, they empower their employees to make the greatest contribution and have the greatest success.

Dentsu Aegis Network Streamlines Performance Management

Dentsu Aegis Network has implemented SilkRoad Performance, Learning and Onboarding across their ANZ locations to over 1000 employees and 25 brands.

Performance | Case Studies

Dentsu Aegis Network first started speaking with SilkRoad in 2011 about their overall HR strategy, challenges and goals. Since then, Dentsu Aegis Network has implemented SilkRoad Performance, Learning and Onboarding across their ANZ locations to over 1000 employees and 25 brands.

Create a Culture of Conversation

Avid Solutions Inc. Creates Agile Conversations through SilkRoad Agile Performance

Performance | Case Studies

Avid Solutions Inc. Creates Agile Conversations through SilkRoad Agile Performance

Personalize Performance and Development

Empower employee performance with simple but powerful tools for performance feedback.

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